
African Wedding at Cavalli


Ijeoma & Kunle’s African wedding at Cavalli Estate, coordinated by the Aleit Group, was something out of this world!

Cavalli Wine & Stud Estate in Stellenbosch with its white fencing, perfectly manicured gardens, modern, eco-friendly architecture and beautiful views of the Stellenbosch mountains, is now one of the most prestigious places in Cape Town to exchange wedding vows.   Once our couple laid eyes on this fantastic venue, there was no looking back and Melissa and her team of coordinators were given carte blanche to create and mould the dream wedding they were trusted to deliver.

Ijeoma got ready at Majeka House in Stellenbosch.  She had no fewer than 11 bridesmaids!!!!  A bridal party by the dozen seems to have become a trend of late  (Just recently we covered Rozelle’s wedding at Strandkombuis and she had a whopping 12!).  I’ve done bridal preps at Majeka House once before, but never noticed the beautiful interior of this 5-star boutique hotel.  The room that Ijeoma got ready in was definitely not designed for 12 people to get ready in, but we made up for the lack of space by utilising the lovely old library-inspired lounge for the bridal portraits and bridesmaid photos.

Kunle and the boys got ready in Cape Town city centre.  It was the perfect setting for the guys, with Kunle sporting a White tux jacket for the ceremony.


The reception was mind blowing!  The highlight for me was the magnificent floral display.  The ghost chairs and suspended chandeliers together with thousands of red tulips and multi-coloured orchids tied in perfectly with the sleek design of Cavalli.  I must commend the Aleit Group on the way they made the brief come to life and also for making the coordination and running of this wedding seem like nothing more than a casual afternoon stroll!  Well done!

Photos by Stefan Steenkamp & Shawn Thomas

From Nigeria to South Africa – A Beautiful African Wedding

Stylish Modern African WeddingsStylish Modern African Weddings Stylish Modern African WeddingsNigerian Bride Wedding Photography Stylish Modern African Weddings Stylish Modern African WeddingsStylish Modern African Weddings Beautiful Nigerian Bride IjoemaNigerian Bride Wedding Dress Photos Stylish Modern African Weddings Stylish Modern African WeddingsStylish Modern African Weddings Stylish Modern African Weddings Stylish Modern African Weddings Stylish African Groom in White Suit Stylish Modern African Weddings Nigerian Wedding in South Africa Groom & GroomsmenCavalli Estate Wedding Venue Cape Town

Stylish, Modern Outdoor Wedding Ceremony

The ceremony was conducted at Cavalli in the sunken garden.  The decor was kept sleek and simple, with chairs arranged in 4 quadrants around a four-poster centre stage. This stunning wedding altar was where our couple made their eternal promises to each other.  Apart from a few South Africans, almost the whole guest list comprised of Nigerian friends and family that all flew in for the wedding.  If there is one thing that I can say about this crowd, then it is that they have STYLE!  The ladies looked like catwalk models and the men could be pulled through a ring, complete with tailored suits, pocket squares and groomed hairstyles.

After the ceremony guests were treated to canapés and French champagne on the lawn overlooking the reception and the mountains.  I loved the Las Paletas ice cream stand and must confess that I sneakily also enjoyed one of their handcrafted artisan lollies. (Try the blueberry cheesecake when you get a chance – it’s divine!!!)

While the guests were mingling and enjoying a beautiful Cape Winelands evening, we took our lovely couple for photos.  All the photos were taken on the estate.  I would have loved us to get away a tad earlier to catch more of the sun, but I think we did a good job at making these two look their best and have a bit of fun alone.

Modern Outdoor Wedding Venue Cavalli Estate Outdoor Wedding Altar Ceremony South Africa Wedding Photos Stellenbosch ZaraZooWeddings Stellenbosch Wedding ProgramWedding Photos Stellenbosch ZaraZooWedding Photos Stellenbosch ZaraZoo Wedding Suit Groomsmen Accessories Wedding Photos Stellenbosch ZaraZoo Wedding Photos Stellenbosch ZaraZoo Wedding Photos Stellenbosch ZaraZoo Wedding Photos Stellenbosch ZaraZoo Wedding Photos Stellenbosch ZaraZoo Wedding Photos Stellenbosch ZaraZoo Wedding Photos Stellenbosch ZaraZoo Wedding Photos Stellenbosch ZaraZoo African Weddings Photography ZaraZoo Wedding Photos Stellenbosch ZaraZooWedding Photos Stellenbosch ZaraZoo Wedding Photos Stellenbosch ZaraZoo Wedding Photos Stellenbosch ZaraZoo Wedding Photos Stellenbosch ZaraZooCavalli Estate Events Stellenbosch Lawn Games Croquet at Weddings Wedding Photos Stellenbosch ZaraZoo Professional Wedding Photographers South Africa Giant Dominoes Wedding Games Cape Town Professional Wedding Photographers South Africa Professional Wedding Photographers South AfricaProfessional Wedding Photographers South Africa Professional Wedding Photographers South Africa Professional Wedding Photographers South AfricaNigerian Weddings in South Africa Aleit Group Professional Wedding Photographers South Africa Best African Wedding Photographers ZaraZoo Professional Wedding Photographers South Africa Best Wedding Photos South Africa Fun Wedding Photos Couple Dancing Professional Wedding Photographers South Africa Professional Wedding Photographers South Africa Nigerian Couple gets Married in South Africa Professional Wedding Photographers South Africa Wedding Photographers Cape Town, Stellenbosch Destination Wedding Photographers South AfricaZaraZoo Top Wedding Photographers AfricaZaraZoo Top Wedding Photographers Africa ZaraZoo Top Wedding Photographers Africa ZaraZoo Top Wedding Photographers Africa ZaraZoo Top Wedding Photographers Africa ZaraZoo Top Wedding Photographers Africa ZaraZoo Top Wedding Photographers Africa ZaraZoo Top Wedding Photographers Africa ZaraZoo Top Wedding Photographers Africa ZaraZoo Top Wedding Photographers Africa ZaraZoo Top Wedding Photographers Africa ZaraZoo Top Wedding Photographers AfricaZaraZoo Top Wedding Photographers Africa ZaraZoo Top Wedding Photographers Africa ZaraZoo Top Wedding Photographers Africa ZaraZoo Top Wedding Photographers Africa ZaraZoo Top Wedding Photographers Africa Aleit Weddings ZaraZoo Photographers Aleit Weddings ZaraZoo Photographers Aleit Weddings ZaraZoo Photographers Aleit Weddings ZaraZoo Photographers Aleit Weddings ZaraZoo Photographers Aleit Weddings ZaraZoo Photographers Aleit Weddings ZaraZoo Photographers Aleit Weddings ZaraZoo Photographers Aleit Weddings ZaraZoo Photographers African Wedding at Cavalli Estate African Wedding at Cavalli EstateAfrican Wedding at Cavalli Estate African Wedding at Cavalli EstateAfrican Wedding at Cavalli Estate Best African Wedding Photographers African Wedding at Cavalli Estate African Wedding at Cavalli Estate Nigerian Couple Wedding in Cape Town African Wedding at Cavalli Estate African Wedding at Cavalli Estate African Wedding at Cavalli Estate African Wedding at Cavalli Estate African Wedding at Cavalli Estate African Wedding at Cavalli Estate

More Photos of Wedding at Cavalli:

ZaraZoo Photography has covered many amazing weddings at Cavalli Stud Farm in Stellenbosch, Cape Town. Have a look at some of these amazing photos below:


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